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The Most Important Book About Teeth W.ukraińska
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THE Most Important Book About Teeth W.ukraińska


Wydawca: VIVAT
Rok wydania: 2023
Oprawa: Oprawa TWARDA
Ilość stron: 64
ean: 978*****27661

Milk, native, children's and adults, cat's or fish's, crooked or straight, with spots or perfectly white - the teeth are amazing in their diversity!

I invite you to explore them and find out all the dental secrets. For example, how teeth can tell about your age, health and even habits; why is a jaw print more unique than a fingerprint; how human teeth differ from dog or cat teeth. And a lot more interesting things from the world of dentistry. So let's go to the wonderful world of teeth! It's interesting there - I'll give you a tooth!

[Kod oferty,5*******78966*****61,2023-12-16 00:07:22]
ID: 914262599

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The Most Important Book About Teeth W.ukraińska

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